Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Round One Done....what a mess

Well round one of the storm that hit us is done, but round 2 is on it's way tonight.  Uhug!!!  Round one came in the form of rain that turned into ice on everything.  By the time it was over we now have an inch of ice coating everything.  It looks like a war zone.  Broken trees, branches and power lines are down.

Went outside last night around 10:00 pm and even though I couldn't see a lot without a flash light it was the sound that was the scariest.  Loud bangs, crackling and snapping of trees and branches breaking.  The loud bangs were the large old trees with huge branches breaking off or the whole tree coming down.  

 The mulberry tree did not make it, probably will have to remove the whole thing. ;(
 The maple that has done so well in past storms didn't go unfazed this time around and it took out the walkway gate out as the branches came down.

 Under this mess is a row of lilacs, I hope they come back for lilacs are my favorite flowers.
It just breaks my heart to see all the big beautiful trees looking so broken up, some will recover but many will have to be removed.

Power lines didn't fair any better.  1000's are without power and the brave men and women have been working non stop around the clock working to get the power restored. I'm so thankful for their dedication and sacrifice.  I'm thanking the Lord we did not loose our electricity and am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't in the future. 

The weatherman are saying that round two is to start tonight with 6 to 10 inches of snow coming tonight and the one term they keep using with this coming storm that just makes me cringe is 'thunder snow'...yikes.  Any time you have thunder and snow at the same time, it will be really wet and very heavy.  Something we so don't need with the weight from the ice that we already when we have. 

Someone recently gave me a quote which is so true, beware of what you pray for, you just might get it.  Which after the drought that we've had this moisture is really needed. But in the middle of all this there is still beauty to be found.  When I was at the farm checking out the damage there I couldn't resist taking a picture of the empty corn crib.  The ice had made such a beautiful pattern on the whole crib.

So I'm crossing my fingers and toes that we will miss this next wave of weather like we have been in the past, but if we don't there is nothing that can be done about it except how you perceive it.  I'm just thankful my family and friends are ok and nothing is permanent in this life except for the day our good Lord welcomes us back into his loving arms.  

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