Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What a difference a few days make.

Wow, what a difference a few days make.  Just Saturday we got an inch of rain that sent the river out of it's bank.  Today just 4 days later the river is back within her banks and she's back being the gentle lazy river that she usually is. 

Saturday the river was flooding with large chunks of ice float past.
And here is what it looks like 4 days later.  The ice chunks are still piled up along the bank showing just how high the water got. 

Here is the scraggy tree that had water right up to its base and today it's a long way's away from water.

It always amazes me how quickly mother nature can change from day to day. As I was out for my walk I saw a Robin and thinking YEAH! spring is not far off, and then I thought you crazy bird, it's still too cold for you to be here you should have stayed south for just a bit longer.

Here are some reminders left behind of the might water and the power it has to pile large ice chunks like they are just kids blocks. 

Even my cat seemed impress as she hopped up on a stump, but mostly she was just checking out her territory and making sure everything is as it should be.  

HoneyBun sure has changed in the year that she's been here. On a very cold January morning I stepped out my door to have this very thin, dirty, scraggy looking cat come out of the warming nest I had made under the bench on the, porch.  I've always said that my place seems to be on the underground kitty railroad where if you need some food, water and some loving pats on the head then come to my porch.  I've made a nest of old blankets and tarps over a bench to give them some warmth and out of the elements.  From time to time a cat will show up for a just a day or may stay a week or 2,but most of then seem to move on.  But HoneyBun is one that she decided this would her last stop on her journey and it was to become her forever home.  

Last winter she was a bit too wild to join the indoor cats, but as the summer progressed the calmer she became and slowly I introduced her to indoor cats and then when fall became too bitterly cold, she decided she wanted to become an indoor cat and now she's a fat happy mostly indoor kitty and sometimes is an outdoor kitty.  She's my constantly shadow when I'm outside in the yard or down at the barn with the horses.  She now the queen of her yard and the house.

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