Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sturgis 2013

Another great year at Sturgis!  The weather was typical where it rained at some point most days, but not enough to stop you from getting on the bike.  This year I made the wise decision to put my bike in the trailer and drove out to the Hills, my behind thanked me for that. 

When we travel to Sturgis we camp out in Hill City at the Crooked Creek campgrounds, which is such a pretty place and it gives you much needed peace after all the excitement and craziness that is the town of Sturgis is during the rally. 

 We've been here since late Friday and this is our baby is parked in the back and you just can't beat camping among the pine trees. Love the smell of pine in the morning. 

My Harley baby, gotta love the windblown helmet hair. 

View of arriving at main street Sturgis.  There are so many bikes it take forever to drive from one end of the street to the other. 

Our friends from Vancouver was able to make it this year to their first ever rally and it was such a joy to see the amazement on their faces.  They couldn't believe how many people and bikes were in one place. 

One thing you see a lot of is skin at the rally and the only stipulation is that it must be covered up in someway.  Many choose pasties that covers the nipples and other choose to have their chest painted.  Booths are everywhere that you can get either airbrushed or hand painted.  This woman decided to go patriotic. 

This one is my favorite she choose 2 rooster. 

And then there are the bikes, you see all kinds but there are some that just make stop and look.

 This guy comes every year, but you still have to stop and watch him driving down the street.

Tomorrow we are going to take in the site and show our friends Mt. Rushmore.  Will post more pictures later. 


  1. Now I have a better idea of what Sturgis is all about!

    1. Yeah if you haven't been there it's hard to realize what the rally about. Lots and lots and lots of motorcycles.
