Saturday, March 9, 2013

Springish has arrived.

This morning we got over an inch of rain and with the ground still frozen all that water didn't have any where to go except to the rivers.  This morning when I first got up the river was still froze over, but 2 hours later you could see what looked like a good 6 inches of water sitting on top of the ice. 

By noon it was completely a different situation, you could no longer see the ice in the river and water was flowing heavily.  2 hours after that the river once again changed, the ice was breaking up and large chunks were starting flow by.

The water level was higher, but still with in the banks of the river, but has the day has progressed that has changed along with the amount ice chunks.

The first picture in this group there is a the bottom of a tree trunk on the far side that is a good 3 feet or so away from the water, but just an hour later after that picture was taken the 2nd and 3rd were taken and water has risen right up to the base of that same tree. 

Looking at these pictures it's hard to believe that just 2 weeks ago the temps were so cold and the ice was so thick that walking on the ice was not a problem.  You could walk for miles without worrying of fall through. What a difference 2 weeks make. 

Even though we are expecting between 2 - 3 inches of snow tonight, spring is just around the corner.  The Canada geese have arrived and the pairs are already fighting over nesting territory, which reminds me that I need to check the wood duck boxes and put in fresh bedding soon before the hens start getting ideas of nesting.   

So it's begins with a typical March where you can see winter and spring all in one day. Hard to believe I was taking pictures of the horses frolicking in the snow.


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