Well my fear for my crazy Canada goose came to reality this morning when I walked to edge of the yard that over looks the creek to see no momma goose on the nest and the nesting material all scattered and not a goose in sight.
But I had to make absolute sure that maybe she was just off the nest for a bit feeding and her and her mate were somewhere on the river out of site.
So since our property is very secluded and taking a good look around to make sure I was indeed alone, I took of my shoes, shocks and pants and braved the cold creek water. And damn it was cold!!! I was hoping since the water was low and I could easily see the bottom in most places that it would not be too deep as I got to the opposite shoreline where the nest was and thankfully the water only came to mid thigh. At this point I was never so glad for my long legs, but I was wishing I had kept my walking pole with me; for as the closer I got the far shore the more rocks there was to navigate. At this point I tucked my cell phone into my bra thinking if I fell on the rocks I would have both hands free and could possibly keep my chest out of the water. Bra's at times can be so useful and not just being over the shoulder bolder holders. :) Tee Hee!!
Thankfully I made it with out mishap, but my heart sunk to see the nest all torn up and not a single egg. The only egg I found was a just a bit of an egg shell amongst the fluff of goose feathers.
I was so hoping that she would make it full term on her hatching, but since the night before I had a raccoons visiting my cats water bowl in the barn, I knew the raccoons were on the move and hunting for food. Clean water bowl...water bowl after the coons came and cleaned their muddy paws off and left their prints behinds.
As I started my trek back across the creek movement up stream had me freezing (literally) in my tracks in the very cold water to see 3 deer watching my progress. Oddly enough my walking about didn't scare them, but then again how my times do they see a crazy human walking in the creek. I know they are hard to see and once again I'm wishing that I had my camera and not my cell phone, but in the tan shadows you can just make out the one deer on the sandbar and 2 more standing on the hillside above.
I so love where I live because of all natures glory.

So before completing my trek back where I began, I see once again my dear HoneyBun, companion in crime, has kept watch as she enjoys the early morning sun on the beach. At this point I'm think she's thinking...OH WOW!! A giant litter box...heaven!!!
So I quickly run over to where I left my clothes, dash over the rocks, brush the sand off my feet and am never so thankful to warm dry clothes.
I run to the house to tell my husband what happened and what I saw and I'm pretty sure his mind didn't get past the freezing water part. For this where I got 'THE LOOK' are you crazy woman and then the doctor's ruffled feathers came sprouting if full force and proceed to get the lecture about the dangers of cold water and hypothermia. At this point I'm discussed with him for not hear the eaten eggs, the poor momma goose and deer part, so I kiss him on the cheek, shove my phone into his chest and go take a hot shower.
I have a feeling that while I was in the shower he was looking my pictures, recalls the rest of the story and then mutters under his breath that his married a hillbilly. :)
I love messing with my city boy hubby's mind.... awwwwe the country life is so good.
Ahh a woman after my own heart. What's a little cold water when there are critters to check out? :)
ReplyDeleteRightly so Kim. I totally agree.