Thursday, December 18, 2014


Wow, where has 2014 gone?  It seems like it was just yesterday it was the 4th of July and now Christmas is one weeks away.  I love the holidays, getting together with family and loved ones, but I also dearly miss those that are no longer physically with us.

I miss going with my dad out on the farm to find that perfect pine tree to bring home and decorate.  Going down to the river, put on our ice skates and skate up and down the river for miles.  I miss my mother's homemade cinnamon rolls and her caramel sweet potatoes.  I miss my grandfather getting out the strand of sleigh bells that he would shake while we sang Jingle Bells.  Awesome sweet memories. 

So looking forward to being with our daughters, son-in-laws and the beautiful grandbabies. Watching the kids faces light up at the sight of the Christmas tree, the gifts under the tree and their joy of waiting for Santa to show up.  Family is the true meaning of Christmas.

The house is decorated both indoors and out, although it doesn't look like Christmas outside since the snow we had has almost all melted away. 

The back of house rails decked out in garland and lights.  Look how green our grass still is. Crazy for December. 

The tree in the family room.

The snowmen have made their appearance. I just love the snowmen canoe draft stopper.

Even the dogs are enjoying the fire place in the living room. 

Look...look...look!!!  We got snow this week!  Yeah, we are going to have white Christmas after all.

Even the horses have joined in the holiday spirit.  Lexi was very generous to allow me to put a wreath on around her neck.  She was such a good girl about it and didn't fuss too much.

Some of the boys got into the spirit as well.  

So while mother nature is coating the world in white, I'm off to the kitchen to do some baking.

The Gingersnaps are done and oh so yummy!

The husband's request for vanilla fudge is so divine and rich. 

I've finished quilting latest Christmas projects.  This log cabin wall hanging turned out so cute.  I've now need to find the perfect place to hang it.

This quilt will looks so good on one of the couches, with a bit of cat and dog hair added.

When quilting I have several "helpers" assisting me making sure I'm doing it just right...or that they are soft and cozy enough.  

Feeling so blessed. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


  1. Hi Shearone, Enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your photos of the holiday festivities. Merry Christmas and a Joyous and prosperous New Year in 2015.

    1. Thank you Alan!! So glad you enjoyed it. Not a problem that you called me Shearone. :)

  2. What a beautiful house and horse! I was sorry due to the unfortunate circumstances that you couldn't come to the roundup but now after reading some of your posts, I am truly sorry I was not able to meet you! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks Cat, we were so disappointed too that we were unable to make it the roundup. I was so looking forwarding to meeting everyone and put a face to the names we see on the buzz. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas as well Cat.
