Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Birthday

Well have what seemed like a long wait our mare gave birth early this afternoon to a beautiful, healthy filly.  Momma has been looking pretty miserable for a week now and we've been thinking yup today is the day, but the day would end and go into the next and still no baby.

Last night I had noticed that her udder looked bigger and she was rocking on her feet, so I knew that it wasn't going to be long now.  Then early this afternoon she finally got down to business and gave birth.

Mom was pretty exhausted and she didn't want to get up right away and I can't blame her.  We rubbed down the baby with towels and moved her in front of mom so she could lick her off and begin the bonding with her baby.

We have decided to name her Alexia Agriosa. Mom and baby are now doing great.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning! simply beautiful and stunning ...
