Saturday, February 23, 2013

Winter Wonder Land

After our snow storm yesterday everything today is covered in a beautiful blanket of white.  During the night mother nature added a bit more beautywith a layer of frost on everything.  

Mother Nature's flocking...pines are so stunning with a layer of frost on them. 

When I first stepped out with the camera I was able to see a good half mile into the distance with fog in the background, but within 5 minutes the view had shrunk down to a quarter mile as the fog became heavier.

If the first picture you can see the trees on the other side of the field, but in the second picture the trees are gone and you can just make out the fence line along the field.  

So after finishing my walk on this very cold morning; -4 when I stepped out the door,  I think I'll spend the rest of my day following my cats example, put something cooking in the crock pot and curl up under a blanket and read a good book or two. 

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