Friday, February 22, 2013

Why I love South Dakota

I love living in South Dakota.  I know many say you live where??? How can you live there, but so many have a misconception in regards to South Dakota.  South Dakota is kind of like 2 states rolled into one.  The Missouri river splits the state in half and each half is so different from the other.  

The west half is mountainous with the Mount Rushmore being the most popular attraction and Sturgis bike rally at the end of summer.  The east half is rolling prairie hills and lazy rivers.

But a couple of weeks ago I saw the most perfect sunrise that just reinforced the reason I love living here.  This sunrise was just glorious with rich colors of orange, red and dark blue. 

Later that same day when I went out to put more bird seed in the feeders to find them still fairly full, which is so rare for I can usually fill them at least twice a day.  But I soon found out where all the birds had gone.  They were hiding from an American Kestrel (a/k/a sparrow hawk) and it's ruthless hunting.  Swooping in and getting its catch almost every time, so you can imagine my surprise when I looked out my bay window and he was sitting on a branch watching out over the yard and feeders. Quickly grabbed the camera and was able to get some pictures of the guy before he flew off. 

Times like this when I can enjoy the wildlife right out my front window and the glorious day that the good Lord made is one of the many reasons I call South Dakota home. 

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