Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nature and our Strange Weather

January 2012 has started out being such a different winter for South Dakota.  By now we are usually up to our bums in snow and daily temps that most of time have a minus sign in front of them.  But this year is so different.  It started back in September where it was recorded to be the driest September on record for us, followed by the same for October, November and then December.

We only had a dusting of snow and only one day that we had some freezing rain, which resulted as I was washing my large picture window watch a car loose control, going sideways into my ditch and hitting a curve sign  post.  Thank God no one was hurt, but it was a lesson that a first time winter driving teenager had on bad roads.  Poor dear was scared witless.  Your first winter accident are the worst and it seems that we all have them if you live in snow country sooner or later.

So far this winter with the lack of snow and them temps really have been pretty darn great, we've only had a few days of single digit temps and a lot of record breaking temps with a lot of high 40's, 50's and even 60's, which we could see again today.  That is just crazy, but I'm not complaining I'm love the temps and not having to shovel snow.  Do hope we get some eventually though because if we don't there will be some serious drought conditions this summer.

The wildlife is being effected as well.  The Canada geese have not migrated south and we have 1000's of geese around and I'm not making up that number either.  The rivers which are not froze over are just thick with geese and the fields are too.

Two days ago I took a picture of a bat that was hanging out on the side of the house enjoying the 50 degree temps.  Only one problem with that is the poor thing is probably starving to death from the lack of insects.  Which is so sad for as most people don't like bats they are a vital part of insect control as they eat so many bugs every night.  More power to them...

Today as I was taking down the Christmas lights, which was the most enjoyable time I've ever had taking them down I heard a King Fisher bird sing...omg!  Never saw or heard of one hanging around this late in the year, they've always migrated by now, but with the rivers still not frozen it must still be able to dive for fish.  Need to go out later with the camera to get a picture of the bird.

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